
Spread of virus through contact. An individual opening a door and then shaking someone’s hand.

Brownian Motion.

Particle motion in a liquid, or maybe humans in a crowd?


As the world's population grows, green spaces are vanishing due to clearcutting, agriculture, climate change, or fire.

Humanity on the move.

Major cities and locations with high population density are depicted with worldwide flight patterns that demonstrate humanity's speed and reach.


Roads. Communities. Locations.


Planets. Suns. Galaxies. Rotating orbits.


Past. Present. Future.


Growing. Spreading. Changing.

Theory. Model. Truth.

A theory can give direction to a model. A model can simulate the truth. The truth can agree or disagree with theory and model.

Knowledge. Prediction. Understanding. Explanation.

Using knowledge (based on layers of truth) you can predict what may happen in the future. Once your predictions are tested, you gain a connected understanding of your knowledge. Now that you have a fuller understanding of your knowledge, you can explain this to others to help them understand.


Two opposing forces come together in conflict and damage occurs.


A plant grows upwards incrementally.

Drought 1.

A tree withers and dies when it does not get enough water.

Drought 2.

The water level drops and a fish dies.


A virus evolving and changing the shape of its spike proteins over time.


Viruses crossing a barrier, replacing and killing healthy cells, and replicating in the new area.

Virus spread.

A virus spreading in a region and becoming more deadly.